
Attorney And Professor By Day.
YA and MG Writer By Night.


Alexander and Solon


My story begins in Rainsville, a/k/a Boringsville, where I am stuck in summer school. An Egyptian exhibit is suddenly announced, and the exhibit catalog turns out to be anything but normal. It contains some sort of link to a twin, Alexstar, I never knew I had. He tells me how we are entangled, which sort of explains why nobody can touch me without me seeing inside their mind. Alexstar asks me to travel to his dimension where Egypt never ended and choose between two sides wanting to use our powers.

So, I agree to go. And yes, traveling to another dimension on the First Unlucky Day is a bad idea. How do I know? Because I arrive in Egypt at the Temple of Karnak with the Chantress of Amun, Clio, dead at my feet.

Soon, I meet Solon, a private detective who could best Holmes or Marple any day, and Imhotep, who could, well, anyway, he is a police detective. Solon and Imhotep were sent to help. Clio was supposed to be my guide, but she was murdered. But I didn't do it, I swear. Solon and Imhotep immediately recognize a plan to frame me for murder.

It turns out there were two groups who were sort of competing political factions. It doesn’t make any sense, but apparently, the Unlucky Days, the death of Clio, and my unusual abilities are a dangerous mix.

Not long after arriving in Egypt, making a scene at Karnak, and getting arrested, I am attacked by a Watcher. Unlucky for him, he grabs my arm and I see a memory with four people in it. Solon helped me figure out what I saw, and it turned out that one of those four people was the murderer, and the other was the mastermind.

Over the next four days, I basically become an apprentice to Solon. We investigate Clio's murder, uncover a plot involving the Red Kingdom to discredit her, and discover a riddle, passed to us by a secret society that would tell us where the evidence is hidden. But before we can solve it, Alexstar is kidnapped! In the end, it all comes down to me (no pressure) and one simple question: who am I? I’ve been called a monster, a murderer, a genius, a weirdo, a loner, and so much more. But now I have to decide.

Alexander encourages MG readers to pursue their interests and tune out what people think or how they might define them. Through an engaging adventure (that lends itself to illustration), Alexander shows readers the angst of choices and consequences and helps them to recognize that they do have power over shaping how the world sees them.

Other Books In The Series


Alexander and Solon in the Mystery of the Lord of the Ladders


Alexander and Solon in the Mystery of the Trumpets of Tutankhamun


Alexander and Solon in the Mystery of the Hounds of Horus

Hello, my name is...

Dr. Marc Mercure

I am a gay, Hispanic lawyer. I have previously published legal non-fiction, including a textbook for Springer International that is now in its second edition. My mystery writing companion is Campion, a Dachshund-Yorkie rescue (little, but not purse-sized and with a big dog bark), who loves Oregon hikes and belly rubs.

I’ve always been an avid reader and a very serious middle-grade reader. In my early 30s, I was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s disease. This has prompted me to take advantage of the time I’m given to write stories like the ones I love to read.


Plato High

The manuscript is a mash-up between THE SONG OF ACHILLES and the CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA, told in two voices, Achilles and Patroclus, similar to WHAT IF IT’S US.

The story of Achilles and Patroclus is retold in the modern day at Plato High. Achilles has two secrets — he loves his best friend Patroclus and after his sixteenth birthday he must enter the Hero Trials, a game for fame, family, and immortality. Patroclus has a secret love for Achilles and would do anything, even battle the gods, to be with him. Both will be tested in ways they never expected as they fight destiny and the gods to keep their love alive.

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